When you make a big decision that excites you – whether it’s to go ahead and buy the car you’ve been thinking about, take up a new hobby, or do something positive to further your career – there’s nothing worse than having your excitement quashed by having to wait.
This is not just a case of impatience, it’s completely understandable to spend some time in anticipation – good things come to those who wait after all – but there has to be a limit! This is why at ATsolutions we firmly believe that our prospective students shouldn’t have to wait until the start of a new term or academic year to enrol on a new course. We work to a business calendar rather than an academic one, you’re in business after all and that’s why we are, too!
Enrolling now
The courses that we offer at ATsolutions are available for enrolment throughout the year, so once you’ve made that all-important decision to further your skills and advance your career you can take action straight away. Not only does this prevent wasted time, it also prevents that dreaded scramble for course places and the worry that you might miss out.
We want our students to be supported and inspired to find success in their profession, which is why we provide the facility to enrol throughout the year. Our students can then enjoy our practical and work-based approach sooner, helping them to turn their aspirations into reality.
So if you’re looking to change your career path, boost your skills to gain that promotion, or start a new business, then there’s no time like the present. Why not get in touch today on 0151 934 1166 to discuss which course would best suit you and help you realise your ambitions. The ATsolutions team are very friendly and we love to help, so give us a call!